

I get locked down...

Sydney, where I live, is currently in lockdown. This is, I think, Sydney's second lockdown. The first lockdown I worked through it so I didn't really feel it. We are on day 3 (maybe) of this lockdown. The news is doing my head in and people elsewhere, vaccinated people, are being quite smug. I never really bragged about how Australia dealt with COVID. It seemed like jinxing us. We were very lucky. Sydney especially. Melbourne and Victoria had a much longer lockdown to deal with. 

Sydney has been for the better part of the pandemic been pretty normal. And really, I'd rather be here than elsewhere. In the scheme of things, less people died here than in other countries and to me that's a pretty important metric. So yes, people are going out in other countries right now, but I'm not envious of their case numbers or their death tolls. So with that perspective, I'm a bit whatever about this lockdown. Watching the news is quite stressful. It makes me anxious and I just think, for me, someone who still lives at home and pretty okay mentally, etc, I can deal with these two weeks quite easily. 

I know that is not the case for everyone. Lockdowns can be difficult mentally, physically, financially. I think I'm okay but that doesn't mean everyone else is. Anyway, rant about that kind of over. 

It's a race. We should get vaccinated. 

For my peace of mind I'm going to try and avoid coverage comparing us to everywhere else because I am lucky to live here. Lucky to have had, for me, a pretty easy pandemic time.

I last blogged January 2020. So let's have an update. Nothing has really happened. The pandemic happened and it put off all plans I had to quit my job and travel in 2020. I'm still in the job I've had for ages and I just want to leave it but I'm currently not in a position to do so.

Recently, I've been such a consumer of TikTok which has introduced me to BookTok. My current favourite genre I'm reading is sports romance. And the content is a mix between amazing and eh, I could do that. So in this lockdown I've decided to just write something. I've always wanted to write. When I was much younger I would write in notebooks just random stories. Not very good. In high school I wrote some, in hindsight, self-indulgent stories for assignments. I keep trying to Nanowrimo but failing. But I'm at home for at least two weeks so I've decided to give it a go. I got to 300 something words so far and oh, writing is not as easy as thinking of an idea and daydreaming about it. Anyway, that's what I'm going to do. If it's readable I want to self-publish it ebook style.

I always thought self-publishing would be quite a task but it seems at least publishing an ebook isn't too difficult? I can cross off a dream of a childhood dream of mine. Something that I put off because I thought I wasn't good enough or talented or it was too hard. 

One of the things that I've learned during this lockdown is to just stop procrastinating. Stop telling myself, yourself, I'll do it next. Sometimes there isn't a next time. Sometimes there's a global pandemic that stops you from doing that thing you kept putting off.

I say that but then don't put it into practice. So maybe by writing it out I'll hold myself more accountable.

Anyway, that's I guess my yearly update. I'm going to take this time to see if anyone I linked in the sidebar is still blogging. 

Stay safe!

x L

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